Vintage Danish Garage/Shed/Greenhouse Paraffin/ Kerosene Lamp
This wonderful looking lamp is a Danish Garage/Shed/Greenhouse Paraffin/Kerosene Lamp.
Manufactured by Georg Feldthusens, 3 Gammel Kongevej, Copenhagen, Denmark. I haven’t been able to find out anything about the manufacturer or find another lamp made by Feldthusens. Made from brass with a brass hook/handle, it would have been used to light garages and other outdoor spaces where there was no access to electric lighting.
This lamp is in ‘well-used’ condition, with scuffs, scratches and pits on the lamp surface. There is a crack on one side of the base, where the paraffin is stored, and a few splits in the brass on the top part of the case.
It has not been tested, since it would leak paraffin, and we are selling this as a collectible display item only. If desired, the new owner could probably have the lamp restored to working condition or polished.
Alternatively, you could probably fit a long, thin, candle into the aperture of the base, removing the wick etc., and use it as a garden lamp.
Approximate Size:
- Height, excluding carry handle: 27cm
- Base Diameter: 7.4cm
Marked on the side
- “lovbeskyttet” (protected by law)
- “Adskil Taend Og Sluk Lampen Udenfor Garagen” (roughly translate as:- separate and switch on outside the garage)
- Georg Feldthusens Fabriker, GL Kongevej 3, København, TLF. 434
This type of lamp is becoming increasingly difficult to find. It would also look great as a display item in an industrial themed home or office environment, either stood on a surface or hung from a ceiling in the man cave/she den!
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